Alcohol vs Weed: Which is Worse? Effects, Risks, Safety, etc
Over 50% of frequent binge drinkers reported at least one time in the past year when they blacked out and forgot where they were or what they did when they were drinking. When both alcohol and drugs are in the system, the risk of having a fatal car accident is especially high. Across the U.S., however, it is increasingly becoming legalized for both medicinal and recreational purposes.
Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment
He added that in some people with fatty liver disease, drinking two to three cups of black coffee per day has helped reverse scarring in the liver, although it’s not known which ingredient in coffee is providing the benefit. Previous research had already found that cannabinoid receptors in the liver are potential targets for new ways to treat liver disease. There’s also this perception that it’s extremely rare to get addicted to marijuana, but that’s a myth. There’s research to show that 30% of people who use marijuana are going to develop an addiction problem. Addiction is not about the amount of a substance that you drink or smoke.
Types of Alcohol Use Disorder
That roughly translates to cannabis is not directly related to any increase in the chances of death or has a significant impact on your lifespan. Alcohol and cannabis are vastly different but often get lumped together because they are intoxicants. The way they make you feel may make them seem similar but their impact on your body and any lasting damage are not remotely the same.
Weed Vs. Alcohol Feeling
Alcohol is everywhere yet we are well aware of the risks and dangers of alcohol use and abuse. The cannabis industry is making marijuana as readily available thanks to recreational legalization; it could be as common as alcohol. While there are some issues to the abuse of cannabis they are nowhere near as hazardous as alcoholism and the toll of alcohol on the body.
Smoking and vaping cannabis has risks
But as you continue to drink, you become drowsy and have less control over your actions. Remember, consuming weed and alcohol together can make you feel either more or less intoxicated than you would if you were using just one or the other. When mixing weed and alcohol, there are a lot of other variables to consider in addition to which one you use first. Adding alcohol to a low dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 21 percent. Adding alcohol to a high dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 17 percent. For example, you might feel like you’re good to drive, but your blood alcohol level may be well over the legal limit.
How scientists rank drugs from most to least dangerous — and why the rankings are flawed
- These individuals may need treatment to assist with cutting down or stopping use.
- Meanwhile, no deaths from marijuana overdoses have been reported, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
- He added that “our research casts further doubt on the comforting idea that moderate drinking has health benefits.”
- Getting help as early as possible can keep you from drinking again.
- Some doctors question their IBD patients about alcohol consumption and counsel them on the problems drinking can cause.
But we shouldn’t conflate the potential therapeutic uses of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis with products sold in dispensaries. Many products in dispensaries may have contaminants, may not actually contain CBD and may be high in THC concentration. Chronic drinkers display reductions in memory, attention, and planning, as well as impaired emotional processes and social cognition – and these can persist even after years of abstinence.
In 2014, 30,722 people died from alcohol-induced causes in the US – and that does not count drinking-related accidents or homicides. There probably isn’t a perfect way to evaluate and present all drug harms. Researchers will always need to balance making information simple and accessible for policymakers and the public with the inherent complexity of drugs and their effects. This makes the task of building scientific drug policies very challenging.
“Patients with hepatitis C who used cannabis had way more liver scarring than those who didn’t and more progression of their liver disease. Something in the cannabis could actually be increasing fatty liver disease and fibrosis,” he said. “My research group is currently working to discover which cannabinoids or cannabinoid formulations will provide the best therapeutic benefits for specific liver diseases,” Bukong said. The US Department of Health lists alcohol as a known human carcinogen. Research highlighted by the National Cancer Institute suggests that the more alcohol you drink — particularly the more you drink regularly — the higher your risk of developing cancer. For a 1994 survey, epidemiologists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse asked more than 8,000 people from ages 15 to 64 about their drug use.
If you take medication, talk to your doctor before using weed, alcohol, or both. They may weaken the effectiveness of your medication or increase your risk for certain side effects. The researchers reported that combining THC and alcohol consistently impaired driving performance, with worse performance during nighttime simulations.
There are countless cannabis products on the market and a number of consumption options, from vaping to edibles.
Such answers do not necessarily indicate that someone uses marijuana “compulsively,” and they say nothing about whether he harmed himself or anyone else. Although Lehman does not explicitly address the huge gap between his estimate and earlier calculations, he suggests a possible explanation. In a recent New York Times Magazine article, Lehman argues that Americans generally do not take the problems caused by excessive or reckless marijuana use seriously enough.
Generally speaking, weed tends to come with fewer risks than alcohol, but there are a lot of factors to consider. Plus, they’re unique substances that produce different effects, which makes side-by-side comparisons difficult. He added that “our research casts further doubt on the comforting idea that moderate drinking has health benefits.” NEW YORK, July 25 (UPI) — Moderate drinking won’t lengthen your life, a new report suggests, challenging earlier findings that a glass of wine a day is healthy.
Drug experts broadly agree that individuals and society would arguably be better off if marijuana became the most accepted recreational intoxicant of choice instead of alcohol. This article has been reviewed by Dr. Anand Dugar, an anesthesiologist, pain medicine physician and the founder of Green Health Docs. Graduating from medical school in 2004 and residency in 2008, Dr. Dugar has been a licensed physician for almost 20 years and has been leading the push for medical cannabis nationwide. One thing that’s clear about the alcohol vs. weed debate is that both should be used responsibly and driving while intoxicated on anything should be avoided at all costs. Alcohol can contribute to social and behavioral issues, including aggression, mood swings, outbursts, relationship issues, and legal troubles. Cannabis on the other hand can make you feel relaxed as well decrease your depression or anxiety.
This isn’t the case with marijuana because there are several different strains of cannabis. There are also more than 100 different cannabinoids, which are substances found in the cannabis plant. So, the answer to that question may depend on which strain of cannabis you’re smoking or what mix of cannabinoids are in it. On the other hand, low to moderate drinking — about one drink a day — has been linked with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke compared with abstention. James Nicholls, a director at Alcohol Research UK, told The Guardian that those findings should be taken with a grain of salt since “any protective effects tend to be canceled out by even occasional bouts of heavier drinking.”
It’s also important to remember that cannabis, like almost all drugs, is not harmless. “There are many substances in cannabis and it could be that one is really bad for the liver while another is beneficial. The take-home point is that more research is needed because we need data on both sides, good and bad,” he said. More evidence that cannabis won’t help wean people with AUD off alcohol is demonstrated in research that found that people treated for AUD, who also used marijuana, relapsed sooner than people who didn’t use marijuana.
“We have to have a conversation. There are risks and benefits, and in moderation everything is fine.” “On the other hand, the number of crimes that are committed that have some sort of alcohol component related to them are massive — hundreds of thousands a year, if not more,” he said. The team notes that any reduction in the size of white or gray matter or a loss in their integrity can lead to impairments in brain functioning.
However, excessive use can actually cause paranoia or nervousness. Cannabis can be addictive but this is more a psychological dependency than a physical one. It can be more habitual or emotional in nature and can be aided by therapy and not necessarily require outside intervention. Additionally, any deficits or issues caused by heavy cannabis use can be reversible. Alcohol on the other hand can heavily impact your cognitive function.
For marijuana, some research initially suggested a link between smoking and lung cancer, but that has been debunked. The January report found that cannabis was not connected to any increased risk of the lung cancers or head and neck cancers tied to smoking cigarettes. Along the lines of memory, recent studies have shown that adolescents who smoke marijuana may be at greater risk for problems with memory and learning later in life. The studies remain inconclusive about how much marijuana use causes impairments of learning and memory. However, studies have demonstrated that these types of changes in the brain may increase the risk of psychological difficulties later in life. In comparison, the number of deaths caused by marijuana is almost zero.
This led to the popular belief that alcohol intake, within reasonable limits, can be a wellness tonic. Both weed and alcohol temporarily impair memory, and alcohol can cause blackouts by rendering the brain incapable of forming memories. The most severe long-term effects are seen in heavy, chronic, or binge users who begin using in their teens. Both weed and alcohol temporarily impairmemory, and alcohol can cause blackouts by rendering the brain incapable of forming memories.
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